Madison High School Boys Soccer |
Important Upcoming Events
When: July 29 - 31 2021.
PAYMENT IS NOW OPEN. YOU CAN PAY BY CLICKING TO THE RIGHT OF THIS PAGE. WHEN YOU PAY, YOU ARE REGISTERED. VENMO is the only way to pay. No other form of payment will be accepted. 2021 Madison Boy's High School Soccer Team Camp Information: By paying you are also registering. Payment = Registration. Payment Deadline is June 15, 2021. Please pay your money by the deadline. We will collect paperwork and forms from you the day we leave for camp. 2021 Madison Boy's High School Soccer Camp Information: Where: Meridian, Idaho. When: July 23rd through July 25th, 2020. Cost: If full payment is made on or before March 31, 2020 the price will be $399 via check or $425 via Credit Card. If made after March 31, 2020 the price will increase as explained below We will be taking two teams of 15 players each (total of 30 players). If you attempt to register after the registration spots are full, you will be placed on a waiting list. Last year we had so many players register that we had to limit the roster and we were forced to leave kids home. This is an invitation-only team camp. If you were on the varsity, junior varsity, freshman, and/or 8th-grade team(s) last fall then you are automatically invited. If you are moving into the area and/or were not on one of these teams, then please contact Coach Dümmar to discuss you're coming to camp this year. You may e-mail him at [email protected] or text/call him at 208-243-0375. Interested players not on one of the above-stated teams are encouraged to request permission to attend by texting or e-mailing coach Dümmar. Two Options for Payment: Option 1: $399.00 by Check. The price is $399.00 up through March 31st, 2020. Bring the check to Coach Dümmar's law office during business hours. Checks will NOT be accepted at Coach Dümmar's home. Fees paid in full by check by March 31st will receive the discounted price of $399.00. Price after March 31, 2020, will be $475.00 (incur a $76.00 late fee and this will not be waived). Option 2. $425 by Credit Card. The price is $425.00 up through March 31st, 2020. Fees paid in full by credit card by March 31st will receive the discounted price of $425.00. Price after March 31, 2020, will be $500.00 (incur a $75.00 late fee and this will not be waived). The camp will include room and board, transportation to and back from Meridian, Idaho, and admission to the team camp. We are planning to stay in the Hyatt or Best Wester Plus OR something similar. CHECKS: Make your check payable to "Bobcat Soccer Academy." Camp fees will include room and board, transportation to and back from Meridian, Idaho, and admission to the team camp. We will be staying in the Best Western Plus or something similar. |
Welcome to the Team Web Page for the #1 Boys Soccer Team in Idaho |